Dust to Dust: Deconstructing Decomposition
How long does it take a decomposing body to return fully to the earth? We’re talking old-school decomp, here, excluding processes like cremation in any of its forms. ...
How long does it take a decomposing body to return fully to the earth? We’re talking old-school decomp, here, excluding processes like cremation in any of its forms. ...
Clients select a method of final disposition based on a complex combination of factors: the wishes of the deceased, cost considerations, and local laws all figure prominently. “Green”...
Today, when families select their loved one’s format of final disposition from a menu of eco-friendly alternatives, it’s easy to forget that once upon a time burial was...
Caregiving encompasses a range of services. First and final responders of all kinds fall into such roles: paramedics, doctors, nurses, and of course, our fair trade. Much has...
As in, seriously big. If you own a small business in deathcare, chances are you’ve already dealt with some of the mightiest entities in the industry. Whether running...
A funeral director fills an extraordinary role. Death care workers help survivors navigate life beyond the death of a loved one, often for the first time. Handling grief...
1918, 1957, 1968, 2009: In these years, new diseases emerged. They spread, leapt across oceans and international borders, struck thousands – even hundreds of thousands – dead, then...