Sharks, Presidents, and Millionaires | FFFW #20
FRIDAY FRI-YAY! Here’s a list of things that are just as great as Fridays! Free donutsNewborn pupsThe winter OlympicsShark WeekWinning market shareKrispy Kreme hot fresh donutsA good rainy...
FRIDAY FRI-YAY! Here’s a list of things that are just as great as Fridays! Free donutsNewborn pupsThe winter OlympicsShark WeekWinning market shareKrispy Kreme hot fresh donutsA good rainy...
As we see death care workers struggle to get vaccinated, laughter may be the best medicine for our collective pandemic exhaustion. At least Parting Stone thinks so. The...
HAPPY FRIDAY Fridays are awesome. There are some things in this world that are just consistently amazing and Fridays, along with ice cream, extra fries, and puppies, are...
RIP 2020 Wow, that was a trip. We all said that it was going to be the “year of vision,” and it ended up being the year of...
One Day Until Christmas Tomorrow is the big day. That’s right today is 12/24 which makes this Friday the hap-happiest day of the year. So, right now you...
One Week Until Christmas The world has needed Christmas more than ever this year and finally… it’s here! We are one week away from the merriest moment that...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE KING! Am I talking about Elvis? Nope. Maybe LeBron? Ha, once again - nope. Of course, I’m talking about the King of England, right?...