Urns in the Grand Canyon? | FFFW

ENJOY Friday Funeral Fast Wrap Funeral Industry News May 31, 2024

Urns in the Grand Canyon? | FFFW

DISCLAIMER: None of the F’s in FFFW stand for “facts.” Enjoy the jokes and satire.

Y’all, it’s my birthday weekend. Not only that, but it’s also issue #191 of the FFFW. As we all know, I love palindromes. And 191 is a palindromic number. So that means we’re going to party. As I’m writing this, it’s 75 and sunny, and I’m having a blast — I hope you are, too. If not, here’s a little something to help you get started!

Presented by MemoryShare

Better live streaming for your families

Used by over 2000 funeral homes across the country, MemoryShare makes it easy for you to live-stream funerals and help families stay connected.

All you have to do is schedule a stream, share links with friends and family, and go live using your mobile phone! The best part? Your stream and recording are hosted directly on your obituary.

However, live-streaming your funerals doesn’t just impact your families; it helps your funeral home beat local competition with 10% more calls per year, more traffic to your website, and improved SEO.

Want to learn more about how live-streaming can impact your business?

Click the link below for a free demo.

Book a Demo

OPINION: Keep Funerals a One-Time Thing

I’m at that point in life where all my friends are getting married and popping out babies. And you know what I’m realizing? People just love having events for events. Weddings now come with engagement parties, bridal showers, and wedding showers (co-ed, because why not?). My buddy’s having a kid, and I’ve been invited to a gender reveal, a baby shower, a diaper party, and, of course, the first birthday bash.

And you know what? I’m fine with it. I’ve mastered the art of saying, “Hey, my apologies, but I’ll be busy that day.” It’s a talent. But please, for the love of all things sane, let’s not add anything else to the mix.

So here’s the deal…

I get it. It’s hip and trendy to call funerals “life celebrations” now. And people love comparing funerals to weddings. But I’m asking—no, I’m begging—please, let’s not add any more events.

I’m cool with a visitation, a funeral, and a graveside service. But if I ever get asked to attend a casket reveal, I’m gonna lose it.

“Hey, I know the funeral is this weekend, but we thought doing a farewell shower would be fun. Can you bring a side dish?”

“Nope. Here’s a gift card. Enjoy.”

Consider this my official warning—don’t invite me to your funeral party. I’ll have something else going on that day, like reorganizing my sock drawer or washing my hair.


How many urns would it take to fill the Grand Canyon?

Click on the right answer, and you’ll see a puppy dog. Get it wrong, and you’ll see someone hurting themselves.

A) 1.19 Billion

B) 11.9 Billion

C) 1.19 Quadrillion

You Otter Be Proud

Here’s some good news going on in the profession.

  1. Funeral Director Celebrates 50 years on the job
  2. Funeral Service Foundation Awards $185,000
  3. Annual Rockdale Earth Day cemetery clean-up helps local students learn about ancestors, town history