ENJOY Friday Funeral Fast Wrap Funeral Industry News October 8, 2021



I woke up this morning and realized that it’s issue 55. A fun fact about the number 55 is that it is a palindromic number. This means that it’s the same number backward as it is if you read it normally. Maybe a better example of this would be the number 123321. Of course, the word palindrome is more commonly used with words. Examples include the following:
– racecar
– kayak

Why am I typing this? Because it’s Friday. That means we can cut loose and have a fascinating conversation about whatever we want. Do you want more funeral stuff? Okay, well, keep on reading. We got all that coming up right after this GIF of a lemur!


The average funeral home handles 113 calls per year. What is the name of the iconic 113th episode of The Office? Click your answer. If a GIF pops up that says “yes” then you’ve succeeded!

a) Casual Friday
b) Scott’s Tots
c) Secret Santa


Here are some cool stats!

  • The fastest window cleaner washed three windows in nine seconds
  • In one minute, a man smashed 80 eggs with just his head
  • The fastest talker said 260 words in 23.8 seconds

These things fascinate me! Here’s another fun thing- through Parting Pro, people can complete cremation arrangements in 18 minutes. That’s AWESOME! By giving families a simple online experience, Parting Pro also helps funeral businesses increase merchandise sales, acquire positive reviews, and grow profit. 

Plus, they’re teaming up with us so you can continue to get the GIFs and goods you get every week from the FFFW. So, we think they’re pretty cool.

Basically, if I had to sum it up using alliteration, I would say to remember the 13 P’s.
“Parting Pro Provides Positive Profit for their Partnered Providers by Providing People with Programmed Painless Participation Possibilities.”

What are you waiting for? Check it out! CLICK THIS LINK!


NFDA announced this week that at the convention they will have buttons for attendees to wear to help everyone feel comfortable being gathered during a global pandemic. Basically, attendees can choose to wear said buttons to indicate whether or not they feel comfortable with personal contact or if they’d prefer to stay socially distant.

Here’s the image that was sent along with the email as examples of what I’m talking about.

Not gonna lie, I understand this concept, but the cautiously optimistic button really throws me off. Like, does that mean I stay three feet away from you instead of the recommended six? Or does it mean you feel comfortable with fist bumps but not handshakes? I don’t know. 

What I do know is that we need more options. I’m a fan of buttons, so here are a few I came up with to really help gauge how someone is feeling in the social climate.

1) Here for the after-hours. AKA don’t talk shop with me, I’m here for the open bars and the Nashville experience.

2) Merch Swiper. This is for the attendee that will take any piece of free merchandise from a vendor but won’t even leave their email address.

3) I Don’t Know Anyone. This is for the person who’s new to the profession. This button explains why they’re standing awkwardly in a corner or staring at their phone the entire time. On the other hand, it also explains why they’re trying to barge into conversations. They just want to make friends.


A healthy work/life balance is very important.


Let’s be honest, our profession gets a lot of negative press, so we’ve searched the internet to find stories of funeral things getting respect, and doing great things!
1) ​​Funeral Home Owner Remembered as Always Giving
2) Local Funeral Director Earns Award