Most Read Articles of 2013: The Year of Casket Porn, Reality TV and Corporate Buyouts
2013 was the year for funeral reality shows, nude casket and cremation ads and corporate buyouts. Out of the top 11 most read articles on; two are about reality shows, two contain nudity and two are about corporate buyouts. Who says the funeral profession is boring?
Major Television Network is Casting Fabulous Women of the Funeral Industry

We got a call Friday from a producer who is looking for “fabulous” women in the funeral profession for a new reality show to be run on a major television network.
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The 23 Worst Funeral Home Names

What do you think is the worst funeral home name of the 23 listed below?
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Poland’s Largest Casket Company Thinks Half Naked Models Is The Way To Sell Caskets
Linder, Poland’s biggest coffin manufacturer, has been using scantly clad models to promote their products for the last three years. The 2012 calendar used naked models in body paint frolicking around funeral caskets.
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FTC Releases List of 91 Properties to be Divested In SCI/Stewart Acquisition
Service Corporation International, the country’s largest funeral services provider, said Monday it has agreed to sell off 91 properties to resolve the Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust concerns about its acquisition of Stewart Enterprises, the second-largest funeral provider.
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SCI To Buy Stewart Enterprises For About $1.1B
Service Corporation International announced today the signing of a definitive agreement with Stewart Enterprises, Inc. to acquire all of Stewart’s outstanding shares of Class A and Class B common stock for $13.25 per share in cash. The acquisition, which has been approved by the Board of Directors of both companies, has an enterprise value of $1.4 billion.
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‘Best Funeral Ever’ Was Called Tasteless, Undignified and Over The Top; Here is Our Take [VIDEO]
Sunday night marked the debut of ‘Best Funeral Ever‘, a reality show being test piloted by TLC. The show follows Golden Gate Funeral Home in Dallas, Texas as they produce and director elaborate funeral ‘home goings’. Also known as a ‘life celebration’.
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Did You See Just Cremations’ Jaw Dropping Nude Advertisement?
Many times I have encouraged funeral companies to press the envelope on advertising, but I am wondering if Australia’s Just Cremations pressed the envelope a little to far when they held nothing back and swung for the fences with a “nude no fuss” cremation ad.
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20 Things Funeral Directors Won’t Tell You
Death may be certain, but what funeral directors tell you may not be. Reader’s Digest found 20 insider tips for planning a funeral.
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Batesville’s Endura Vault Isn’t Faulty, But Why Is It Popping Out Of The Ground?
Batesville launched their Endura Vault in 2010. Since the official launch we really haven’t heard much about the vault except when it pops out of the ground.
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Always go to the Funeral
I believe in always going to the funeral. My father taught me that.
The first time he said it directly to me, I was 16 and trying to get out of going to calling hours for Miss Emerson, my old fifth grade math teacher. I did not want to go. My father was unequivocal. “Dee,” he said, “you’re going. Always go to the funeral. Do it for the family.”
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Casket Company Selling Nude Calendar For Charity [Casket Porn]

Lindner’s 2014 calendar features voluptuous models posing nude next to luxury caskets. The owner said all sales revenue from the calendars go to charity.
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