How Funeral Directors Can Handle Stress | FFFW #77
Have you noticed everyone is kinda on edge right now? The events occurring on a global scale are intense and things are changing day-to-day. Today, I’m giving you...
Have you noticed everyone is kinda on edge right now? The events occurring on a global scale are intense and things are changing day-to-day. Today, I’m giving you...
Hey, do you know what today is? It’s a drum major's favorite day- March fourth! Ha, that’s for the dad joke enthusiasts out there. Which funeral adjacent word...
It’s our 75th edition of the FFFW! That’s pretty dope. You know, 75 is a cool number- but for really no reason. 100 is cool because it’s the...
IT’S THE SEVENTIES This is issue 73 of the FFFW. In honor of that number, here are five things that happened in the year 1973.1) The first cell...
BACK ON TRACK Wow, this is our last Friday of January 2022. We’re almost 1/12 of the way through the new year. How are those resolutions going for...
HEY, IT’S NEW YEAR’S EVE It’s the very last day of 2022. I don’t know about you, but this year has been very tough for me personally. It’s...
THE WRIGHT TIME They say Red Bull gives you wings… I don’t know about that. Normally it gives me the shakes and a case of heartburn. What I...