You Might Be a Funeral Director If… | FFFW 228

ENJOY Friday Funeral Fast Wrap Funeral Industry News March 14, 2025

You Might Be a Funeral Director If… | FFFW 228

DISCLAIMER: None of the F’s in FFFW stand for “facts.”

Happy Pi Day! I have no clue how Pi could apply to the funeral space, so I asked ChatGPT, and this is what it said.

“If a funeral home hosts community remembrance events, Pi can assist in seating arrangements for circular tables or determining space for round venues.”

So, I hope you bust out your graphing calculators next time you set up some chairs.

Save Your Funeral Livestreams Before Facebook Deletes Them on May 19th:

“The announcement that Facebook will delete live streams older than 30 days reveals a critical disconnect between platform policies and the reality of grief. Grief doesn’t follow a 30-day timeline. Our data shows 30% of funeral viewings happen after that 30-day window. For an average funeral home, that’s over 2,500 families annually who will seek comfort in a service recording only to find it gone. This should serve as a wake-up call for funeral professionals to invest in solutions where they maintain ownership and control of their content, rather than entrusting these precious memories to platforms with competing priorities.” – Shane White, CTO of MemoryShare

MemoryShare is here to help.

Funeral homes affected by these changes can schedule a call with MemoryShare to receive 3 months of unlimited streaming and recording. Their team will handle all training, transfer your existing videos, and provide a complimentary 20-minute training session for your staff. MemoryShare is committed to funeral homes and ensuring a smooth transition with zero disruption for the families you serve.

Click here to learn more and meet with a MemoryShare professional who will guide you through the process. Mention Disrupt/Connecting Directors to claim a bonus gift!

You Might Be a Funeral Director If…

1. You instinctively put your hands behind your back anytime you stand still.

(Even at the grocery store.)

2. You’ve ever had to ask, “Where do you want me to put grandpa?”

(And no one thought it was weird.)

3. You know exactly how many steps it takes to walk from the prep room to the front office—because you’ve done it a million times.

4. You can keep a straight face while a family asks, “Can we get a discount if we bring our own urn?”

5. You’ve eaten a full meal standing up in a prep room.

6. You can identify the make and model of a casket just by hearing the lid close.

7. You’ve nodded way too seriously at a family’s request for something bizarre, like a Viking send-off or a funeral procession on horseback.

8. Your car’s trunk has contained a folding chair, a spare suit, and a guest book—just in case.

9. Your ringtone is permanently on vibrate because a ringing phone gives you PTSD.10. You’ve gone from wiping away a family’s tears to scrubbing a toilet in the same five-minute span.


It’s St.Patrick’s Day weekend. So…

Choose the correct answer and you’ll see a puppy. Get it wrong and you’ll see someone hurting themselves.

Which of the following Irish superstitions about death might a funeral director hear from a family?

Answer Choices:
A) A window must be opened to let the soul escape
B) The casket should be tapped three times before closing
C) The funeral procession must take the longest route possible

You Otter Be Proud

Here’s some good news going on in the profession.

  1. I work in a job nobody wants and do it with my dad, it’s brought us closer than ever
  2. People Magazine Covers Funeral Profession Story
  3. Fifth-generation funeral director Jeff Monreal helps families grieve, celebrate loved ones