Debate Topics for Funeral Directors | FFFW 189

ENJOY Friday Funeral Fast Wrap Funeral Industry News May 17, 2024

Debate Topics for Funeral Directors | FFFW 189

DISCLAIMER: None of the F’s in FFFW stand for “facts.” Enjoy the jokes and satire.

It’s issue 189, and we’re feeling fine! In fact, we’re better than fine—we’re great! Can you believe that we’ve been doing this for 189 issues? I know that next week is probably the week when it would make more sense to say that, but why is it special next week and not this week?

We would never get to issue 190 if it weren’t for the 189, right?

Anyway … let’s get rolling!

Presented by: MemoryShare
Better live streaming for your families

Used by over 2000 funeral homes across the country, MemoryShare makes it easy for you to live-stream funerals and help families stay connected.

All you have to do is schedule a stream, share links with friends and family, and go live using your mobile phone! The best part? Your stream and recording are hosted directly on your obituary.

However, live-streaming your funerals doesn’t just impact your families; it helps your funeral home beat local competition with 10% more calls per year, more traffic to your website, and improved SEO.

Want to learn more about how live-streaming can impact your business?

Click the link below for a free demo.

Book a Demo

Debate Topics for Funeral Directors

There’s been a lot of talks about debates this week. So, here are a few topics you can debate with your peers.

  1. Casket Customization: Too Far or Not Far Enough?
  2. Virtual Funerals: The Future or Just Depressing?
  3. Embalming Fluid Scents: Classic Formaldehyde vs. New Lavender Bliss
  4. Cremation Innovations: Fire, Water, or Laser?
  5. Green Burials: Eco-Friendly or Just Trendy?
  6. Dress Code for the Deceased: Formal Attire or Personal Style?
  7. Eulogies: Heartfelt Tributes or Stand-Up Comedy Routines?
  8. Pet Funerals: Necessary Service or Over the Top?
  9. Themed Funerals: Creative Celebration or Tasteless Gimmick?
  10. Digital Legacies: Online Memorials vs. Traditional Obituaries


Get it right and you’ll see a puppy. Get it wrong and you’ll see people getting hurt.

What year did the first human cremains go to space?

A) 1969

B) 1984

C) 1992

You Otter Be Proud

In what year did the first human cremains go to space?

  1. Maryland Governor Signs Natural Organic Reduction and Alkaline Hydrolysis Into Law
  2. Wilbert Recognizes Families of Fallen Officers
  3. Annual Rockdale Earth Day cemetery clean-up helps local students learn about ancestors, town history