FFFW #88

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and it just WON’T go away? That happened to me twice yesterday, and I even tried listening to them but it just made the earworm LOUDER. So, I don’t know what the cure to a catchy tune is, but I know the cure for boredom and a so-so week looks a whole lot like a GIF of a dog riding a bike.

So bam- here’s a dog riding a bike.

It’s Hammer Time

The right tool for the job makes all the difference. 

For example- this is NOT the best hammer to drive a nail.👇

But Parting Pro IS the best software to serve the needs of modern families when making arrangements! 

Schedule a free consultation to learn more!

Around summer, I’m sure you’ll be interacting with a lot of younger folk. Maybe your landscapers hire kids on summer break, or perhaps you have your own kids getting in some hours before school this fall. No matter the circumstance- you’re gonna have to talk to some kids. And I’m going to give you a few pointers on how to do it and be relatable.

1) Shorten Every Word That’s Possible to Shorten

These kids, they have short attention spans from texting all the time and watching TikToks. If you want to get your point made, you need to abbreviate it as much as possible.

For example- instead of saying “Hello there Reginold, would you make time to position yourself near the entrance of this infrastructure and hold open the entryway for our life departure ceremony?”

Try saying, “Hey Reggie, can you get the doors for the funeral?”

2) You Have To Be PC

These kids nowadays- they’re soft. PBS and hollyweird have conditioned them to believe the whole world revolves around them and their precious little feelings. So correction and advisement have to be done a certain way. I know it’s not fun, but unless you want little Timmy to run away to his “safe space” in the middle of the day, you’re gonna have to be a little softer.

For example, if you need Timothy to do a better job vacuuming, don’t say something like this (Please read in a New York accent) –

 “Hey, you worthless piece of life. Can you not see too well? Do I need to buy you some glasses? You’re leaving dust trails bigger than school buses all across this carpet that cost more than your salary will ever be worth.”

Instead, try saying “Hey, can you please double the carpet when you vacuum it? Just want to make sure it looks great for our families.”

3) Don’t Expect Them to Know TOO Much

These kids, they have all these high-tech devices, and honestly, I don’t know if they even know how to use a map or a compass or a lot of other things.

So, instead of asking them something like this “Hey, can you send a fax over to the hospital and then use our typewriter to write something up for an obit?”

You might have to do it yourself.

That’s how you communicate with kids.

Comic of the Week

No worries here.

You Otter Be Proud

Let’s be honest, our profession gets a lot of negative press, so we’ve searched the internet to find stories of funeral things getting respect, and doing great things!

1) Program Announced for CANA’s 104th Cremation Innovation Convention
2) Simple Ideas to Get Involved This Memorial Day