vs Who is Providing the Value?

Funeral Industry News May 7, 2012
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched;, and Funeral Nation TV. vs Who is Providing the Value?

 In a recent article I shared my true dislike for and how I really see absolutely no value for funeral homes in the services they provide. is grabbing the obit traffic and capitalizing on it, and funeral homes are letting it happen without any pushback. Oh, and we always forget to mention how Batesville has crawled into bed with and for some reason no one seems to have an issue with that. is grabbing user’s info and sending them third party content which in some cases is Bateville pre-need info. Isn’t Batesville suppose to be on the side of the funeral home?

Often gets thrown into the same boat as and I have even put them in that boat a few times myself, that was until I had multiple conversations with executives who quickly showed me value in the services they provide for funeral homes. Do they get it all right? No, but they are developing services that allow them to partner with funeral homes, not hinder them.
Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for interview was done in response to the firestorm of comments generated from last weeks article. We extended the same invitation for interview to No reply has been received.
In this video you get to hear from‘s VP, John Heald about the concerns funeral directors voiced in the comments from last weeks article. John is open nd answers all questions openly and encourages more funeral home reach out with their concerns.
Please watch the interview and let us know how you feel in the comments below.