Would This make A Good Funeral Home Commercial?
Another one bites the dust...just watch. (more…)
Another one bites the dust...just watch. (more…)
Some of the best "so bad its good" death scenes! (more…)
The laws of physics seem to be suspended at Oakwood Cemetery (Farmington, MI). Putting your car in Neutral at the bottom of a shallow hill causes your car...
A funeral service student changed here name to 'Myra Mains' aka 'my remains' and she graduated this past weekend. here is a video clip of her name being...
Could you imagine what these caskets would have looked like? (more…)
Caitlin Doughty is a licensed mortician and the founder of the Order of the Good Death. When it comes to being an internet celebrity she takes the crown...
Last year when the image of a Lego funeral director set was passed around - the idea of such a thing hasĀ fascinatedĀ most in this profession. (more…)