Top Ten Shopping Mall Funeral Homes
Last week we shared an article about Forest Lawn Funeral Home opening up kiosk funeral homes in local California shopping malls. The article was shared virally across many...
Last week we shared an article about Forest Lawn Funeral Home opening up kiosk funeral homes in local California shopping malls. The article was shared virally across many...
Dumb Ways To Die - this video will have you humming the catchy tune all day. Have a great friday y'all! Ever set fire to your hair? Or,...
Article from: Justin Nobel, 2013 saw men killed by beavers and wine glasses, a pot grower whose head was severed by his own trip wire and a...
A nursing home made a great gift for their staff and family members of its residents: a limited edition calendar featuring its residents dressed as actors in scenes... Product Description: Long awaited casket bed design. Sleep peacefully in this Gothic inspired Casket bed. This piece is the real thing, use it as a coffin when...
For many people, going to the doctor is already uncomfortable and in some cases embarrassing. That's without having to worry about them sharing a picture of you on...
2013 was the year for funeral reality shows, nude casket and cremation ads and corporate buyouts. Out of the top 11 most read articles on; two are...