The Best Post We Saw On Veteran’s Day
If you were on Facebook at all Tuesday you surely saw hundreds, if not thousands, of Veteran's Day post. Our favorite came from ASD - Answering Service for...
If you were on Facebook at all Tuesday you surely saw hundreds, if not thousands, of Veteran's Day post. Our favorite came from ASD - Answering Service for...
Article by: Ryan Thogmartin, DISRUPT Media and I'm not sure if I have ever written an article advising you on the reasons why you shouldn't hire one...
The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) recognized three funeral service suppliers for having the best booths in the Expo Hall during the 2014 NFDA International Convention & Expo,...
A man is suing the TSA after he says he opened his suitcase to find his mother's ashes dumped out. You can watch the report from CNN here:
Article provided by: BT Hathaway, Funeral Director, Creator of MemryStone A few months ago I sat with a funeral industry consultant who began his remarks as follows, “We at...
We are pleased to announce the 2014 Veterans Design & Presentation Contest winner. Myers Mortuary of Brigham City, UT was awarded the Grand Prize for their submission. We...
A new report on unintentional injury and violence in the United States, published in The Lancet as part of a new Series, The health of Americans, has found that prevention...
Oh, they’re dead. 1. Oh, you know he’s dead. Via 2. This lady? Dead. Via 3. You know she’s dead. Via 4. Sunglasses man? Dead. Via 5. He’s dead. And his butt is...
Some funeral companies are spending upwards of $50 per day to acquire Facebook Page likes – what they don’t know is a majority of these are fake and...
Every week on Facebook, ASD has been sharing #FuneralDirectorFacts that most people don't know to help educate others about dedication of funeral professionals. What is one thing about your career...