Bad Funeral Home Advertisements

Funeral Industry News March 23, 2012
Caleb Wilde

I'm a sixth generation funeral director. I have a grad degree in Missional Theology. And I like to read and write. Connect with my writing and book plans by "liking" me on facebook. And keep tabs with my blog via subscription or twitter.

Bad Funeral Home Advertisements

It’s a struggle for funeral homes to advertise.

Where do we advertise?  At nursing homes?  Hospitals?  Bars?  Along dangerous highways?

It’s a struggle for us to sponsor events.

What should we sponsor?  A BBQ fundraiser?  Who wants to see a funeral home ad on the back of their son’s Little League uniform?

And when other businesses can donate a coupon or a gift certificate to a charity auction, the funeral homes can donate … what?  A used casket?  A groupon?

There’s a lot of opportunity for us to fail in our advertising.  And with that in mind, here’s a great example:

I get it.  You’re desperate to show that you’re a part of a community.  But, there’s better ways to do it.  She’s almost dead.  You’re a funeral home.  You don’t see a conflict of interest?  For goodness sake, get a new advertisement department.

Really?  Are you serious?  The perfect gift for Valentines Day?  Is the person who designed this a human being?  If there was a Darwin Award for people who kill their own businesses, you’d be this year’s recipient.

So, you’ve got to have some control over the side of your building … right?  You’re “FuneralCare” … that’s what you call yourself.  ”Care” is part of your name.  And you have a billboard for a zombie show on the side of your building?  Zombies + Funeral + Care ≠ Awesome Advertising.

Okay.  So you need a little more business, but there’s better ways to do it.  Join a church.  Make friends at a local civic organization.  Joining the local chapter of the Juggalos would be a more honest way to get business.  But, please, don’t make us funeral directors look anymore weirder than we already are!!!