Faith Chapel Funeral Homes Select DISRUPT Media for Social Media Help
Looking to help them more effectively reach audiences of all ages, Faith Chapel Funeral Homes, with locations in both Cantonment and Pensacola, FL, has selected DISRUPT Media to coordinate its social media strategy and content management. Using their proprietary FUNERAL Social Design Process, DISRUPT Media is helping Faith Chapel to stay current with ideas that are new and fresh in the evolving demographics of their communities.
“We became acquainted with Ryan and his services at various association conferences where he was a guest presenter on the subject of social media,” said Mike Atwood, CEO and President of Faith Chapel Funeral Homes. “After hearing the presentation that DISRUPT Media delivered, we knew Ryan was our guy.”
Faith Chapel has long believed in staying current with ideas that are new and fresh as funeral service undergoes the evolving demographic shift. Historically, funeral homes have not changed a great deal in the services that are offered. What has changed is the tools and techniques that funeral homes can use to deliver their marketing communications.
“We believe that in today’s world, social media is the way to present our message of ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do’ to potential clients,” commented Atwood. “Social media benefits us in two ways. One is by reaching an older demographic which naturally require our services, but secondly it allows us to reach the children of those folks and that is typically who is responsible for making the funeral arrangements.”
“Social media is a live, two-way conversation between funeral homes and their families,” said Ryan Thogmartin, president and CEO of DISRUPT media. “To maximize these conversations, we come at them with a structured approach that aims to establish funeral home awareness, community growth, expertise, value, and increased online visibility. We’re very excited to be working with Faith Chapels, and look forward to helping them make great strides with all of these elements in 2015.”
About Faith Chapel Funeral Homes: Since 1965, Faith Chapel Funeral Homes have believed that the most valuable thing is a good reputation. Staff members of the firm are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. These requests and traditions are of utmost importance to the staff of licensed funeral directors.
About DISRUPT Media: DISRUPT Media is a Full service social media management and content agency dedicated to the funeral profession. Started by Ryan Thogmartin, DISRUPT Media provides creative ideas and a simple plan to produce a social media presence that is completely unique for each client. For more information, call DISRUPT Media at 740.617.0599 or visit