How Crowdfunding Works

Finance Social Media Marketing November 8, 2012
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched;, and Funeral Nation TV.

How Crowdfunding Works

When I launched SoFund.Us last month I received an inbox full of questions and concerns. I expected this. SoFund.Us is much like was 5 years ago; progressive and way ahead of where the profession is.

I think where SoFund.Us has the advantage is the average funeral professional is much more progressive now then 5 years ago. Change and new concepts still take time to be accepted but that time is shortening. I fully believe that in 12-18 months SoFund.Us will be how most of the new innovative funeral products are brought to market. It will completely change the game. But in order for that to happen the funeral profession has to understand what crowdfunding is and why it works.

I found this short video that does a brillant job explaining how crowdfunding works in just over 90 seconds.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.