The Vast Majority of Funeral Homes are Using This Inappropriately
Originally from the Creedy Commentary
The survey in the attached article isn’t about funeral service and, frankly, most funeral homes aren’t engaged in social media…sad. And I can assure you that over 90% are using it inappropriately. Be that as it may, here are some interesting points about the topic that may help you avoid some of the same pitfalls.
Vocus teamed up with Duct Tape Marketing to survey 400 decision makers at small- and medium-sized businesses to learn about their struggles and successes using social media.
Specifically, the survey sought to discover the social sites most used by small businesses (SMBs), how they were managing their efforts, challenges they were facing, and the metrics they were using to judge success. While the results were strong in affirming the power of social media for SMBs, they also made me wonder whether or not many business owners were looking at social media correctly….More at Are 87 Percent of Small Businesses Using Social Media Wrong …