Many Funeral Homes Hit By Porn Spam on Facebook

Facebook and other social networking sites have always had a problem with porn spam. Porn spam usually starts in the form of, much more often then not, a friend request from a pretty women, or from one of your Facebook friends posting a status update saying something like this “I just entered to win a FREE iPad 2. Click Here and you can too http://tzyu.loci”.
This type of scam is the most common and is called “Phishing Schemes”. Phishers go after your credentials (username, password and sometimes more), then take over your profile, and may attempt to gain access to your other online accounts. Phishing schemes can be difficult to spot, especially if the scammers have set up a page that resembles Facebook’s login portal.
So how does this pertain to Funeral Homes? There are a number of funeral homes who have been hit by one of the many Facebook spam viruses. Once their profile has been compromised by one of the viruses their status starts displaying inappropriate and generally pornographic material and links. You can imagine how embarrassing this can be for the funeral home. The only way to get this fixed it to notify Facebook and wait for a representative to help you reset your login credentials (which can take days).
These types of Facebook virus infections can easily be preventable, but many funeral homes are still making the HUGE mistake of signing up for a Facebook Profile for their funeral home and not a Facebook Page.
See these viruses can only affect Facebook profiles NOT Facebook Pages. Funeral homes could easily avoid this embarrassing situation by just using Facebook correctly. We have reported in the past that businesses using Facebook profiles and not Facebook Pages could be subject to banning from Facebook for violating the Facebook TOS (Terms of Service).
It is important for funeral homes to start using Facebook correctly before something like one of these viruses creates a very bad situation that becomes a huge headache to get rid of. With a Facebook Page your business is safe from these types of viruses and spam.
Facebook has realized that thousands of business have made the mistake of setting up a Facebook Profile and not a Facebook Page. To give every business the fair chance of complying with the TOS they have created a very easy process to convert your Facebook Profile into a Facebook Page.
Your profile picture will remain the same and your current “friends” will be converted into “likes” for your new Page. All other information will be lost (photos, post, videos, ect). Facebook has created a migration tool that will allow you to back these things up before converting your Profile to a Page.
For more information on this process please read this article:
Disrupt Media Group is a Social Media Marketing company that helps companies grow their business by creating massive viral visibility with social media.
If you would more information about how DMG can help your funeral home please visit:
Funeral Industry companies currently working with Disrupt MG:
Levine Memorial Chapel:
Wiefels and Son:
Craver Riggs:
Advanced Audio Systems:
Hoskinson Funeral Home: