3 Months into Production: What is the Current State of Genesis Casket Company?

Funeral Industry News April 19, 2012
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched; DeathCareJobs.com, PriceMyFuneral.com and Funeral Nation TV.

3 Months into Production: What is the Current State of Genesis Casket Company?

I got the opportunity yesterday to do a video interview with the President/CEO and Vice-President of Genesis Casket Company about where they currently are in their production schedule, and the current state of the company. I talked with them about the recent lay-offs and position terminations, market share, current an future distribution plans, truck load pricing, and where the company is headed in the near future. Also hear how one major casket company is offering 50% discounts in an attempt to gain back customers lost to Genesis Casket.