What Being a Funeral Director Really Means, Serving the Dead as a Higher Calling

Funeral Industry News December 6, 2011

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What Being a Funeral Director Really Means, Serving the Dead as a Higher Calling

A funeral director and firm who care for the dead with compassion. This is what so many funeral professionals provide for their communities. It is so awesome to see a story like this appear in the LA Times and spread across the internet. Incase you missed the article ran by the LA Times yesterday we have posted part of it here with a link back to the original article.

The article is about Glenn Bergeron, embalmer, and Stephen Kees, co-owner of Thibodaux Funeral Home in Louisiana who are faced with the tragic situation of a young child who was brutally murdered by his father.

The article reads;

A hush fell upon the embalmers at Thibodaux Funeral Home as the gurney with the black body bag was wheeled into their room. They stopped what they were doing and drew near.
Glenn Bergeron had been dreading this moment. Eight years as an undertaker, and he had never attended to anyone who had died so young, so violently. He made the sign of the cross.

This article goes deep into the emotions felt by the funeral director and embalmer. The article does a great job of portraying the funeral directors love for the profession and his love for serving families. He calls he service to the community as “his calling”.

I hope you take a few minutes out of your day and read this article in its entirety, through a very tragic situation the love and compassion of a funeral home staff shines brightly.

To read this article from the LA Times, visit: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-embalmers-20111204,0,6791706.story