Picking the Brains of the Pros: Recent Research into the Field of Death Care
The field of death care is a thriving area of formal research. Structured studies explore how the public – and the pros – are affected by (and work...
The field of death care is a thriving area of formal research. Structured studies explore how the public – and the pros – are affected by (and work...
Pathogens that stay viable in the environment for decades after the death of their host, opportunistically infecting whoever happens along, may sound like something out of a horror...
When someone says “brain death”, pretty much everyone understands. Some death is reversible, some not; brain death is the sort that isn’t, not usually. Most people are already...
MAKE TODAY AWESOME! Two things: One: Whenever I'm writing these FFFW's I often search for "this day in history" articles to write the section you're reading now. So,...