Erin M. Wilson Appointed as First Female President of Dallas Institute of Funeral Service

Funeral Industry News Funeral Industry Press Releases June 6, 2024
Dallas Institute

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Erin M. Wilson Appointed as First Female President of Dallas Institute of Funeral Service

In a historic move, Dallas Institute of Funeral Service has appointed Erin M. Wilson as its first female president in its 115-year history.  This appointment not only marks a significant milestone for the college but also serves as a poignant reflection of the evolving landscape within the funeral service profession and academia.

Mrs. Wilson’s journey to the presidency is a testament to her multifaceted background, which seamlessly integrates both funeral service and academia.  A graduate of Dallas Institute of Funeral Service herself, President Wilson brings a wealth of experience and deep-rooted passion for both fields to her new role.

As a licensed funeral director and embalmer, President Wilson’s expertise in the funeral service profession is undeniable. However, her journey has been far from conventional.  Prior to entering the funeral service profession, Mrs. Wilson pursued a career in education.  It was after her time in mortuary college that she discovered a way to merge her two passions, ultimately leading her back to the realm of academia.

President Wilson holds a MS in Human Relations and Business, a master’s certification in Executive Leadership and is a Certified Funeral Service Professional.  Her commitment to excellence and innovation has been evident throughout her career.  She began teaching for Dallas Institute of Funeral Service in 2019, while maintaining an active role within the profession.  Her dedication and expertise saw her rise through the ranks, culminating in her appointment as the Academic Dean in 2021 and additionally as the program director at the end of 2022.

Under Mrs. Wilson’s leadership, Dallas Institute of Funeral Service has experienced significant growth and improvement.  With a focus on enhancing program quality and student success, President Wilson and her team have achieved notable advancements in student retention, graduation rates and National Board Exam scores.