Cold Hands Embalming Tip of the Week
We are excited to collaborate with Cold Hands and Monica Torres, renowned licensed funeral director, embalmer, cremationist, cosmetic reconstructive specialist, desairologist, and owner/founder of NXT Generation Mortuary Support! Every week Connecting Directors will now share “Cold Hands Embalming Tip of the Week,” which Monica posts each Sunday afternoon to her Instagram channel @coldhandshosts.
Cold Hands Embalming Tip of the Week: Use an Epsom salt pack to reduce swollen eye tissue
Even the slightest bit of swelling around the eyes can make the recently deceased appear unrecognizable. I use Epsom salts 🧂 much like the ancient Egyptian embalmers used natron. Epsom salt 🧂 has a long history in the art and science of embalming
Epsom salts can be used to reduce edema in the living and also the dead! Many old school embalmers still use Epsom 🧂 salts in their arterial solution to battle swelling and edema after death. I like to use it in several ways including today’s tip for swollen eyes.
Take note️:
There really is no comparison to using a professional edema eliminator formulated specifically to battle edema after death through arterial injection. However this tip will work in a pinch 🤏 as a topical remedy. Time is essential with this technique. A skilled hand to offer restoration services after swelling is reduced is also a must.
Apply directly to the swollen area. Let sit until swelling reduces to the appropriate size.
NEVER ADD undiluted Epsom salt into an embalming machine
Hope you like this weeks tip! Until next week Happy Embalming! Join us in the conversation every Sunday @coldhandshosts on IG!
Deathcare professionals: To gain online support for the embalming tips, visit Cold Hands Answers at NXT Generation Mortuary Support offers ongoing online continuing education opportunities for deathcare professionals! Next up is So You Want to Be A Mortician on July 1, 2021, for which you may register here.