Skeptical About At-need Financing for Funerals? This Free eBook Lays it All Out.

Customer Service Funeral Industry News February 6, 2019
at-need financing for funerals

We believe that every funeral director should have the tools to succeed. With the help of our field-leading partners, we publish daily funeral industry news and provide free tools to help our readers advance their careers and grow their businesses. Our editorial focus on the future, covering impact-conscious funeral care, trends, tech, marketing, and exploring how today's funeral news affects your future.

Skeptical About At-need Financing for Funerals? This Free eBook Lays it All Out.

In late 2018 we promoted some information about at-need financing offered by LendingUSA and the response was startling. There were dozens of comments on Facebook accusing at-need financing for funerals of being a scam and posting misinformation about a process that is mainstream in most industries but new to funeral care. Thousands of families have benefited from at-need financing for funerals and thousands of funeral homes are now receiving payment upfront through at-need financing providers for services that families may have otherwise not been able to pay for.

We have partnered with LendingUSA to offer a free ebook to educate you on the basics of how at-need financing for funerals works in just 19 pages. It is 100% worth reading.  Download “The Ultimate Guide to At-Need Financing” e-book below.

In the ebook you will learn:

– The 5 huge advantages that funeral homes have by offering at-need financing
– The 5 major benefits to financially struggling families
– See how at-need financing compares to other types of payment methods
– Learn exactly how the process works
– Fund out how to begin offering at-need financing for funerals to your families

This ebook is a risk-free way to learn about a new payment option. Get payment upfront by offering at-need financing to your families. Learn how it works in this Free eBook! Download here!

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