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The Easy Blueprint for Finding Your Most Profitable Consumer on Facebook | DISRUPTu! 053

September 25, 2018

We believe that every funeral director should have the tools to succeed. With the help of our field-leading partners, we publish daily funeral industry news and provide free tools to help our readers advance their careers and grow their businesses. Our editorial focus on the future, covering impact-conscious funeral care, trends, tech, marketing, and exploring how today's funeral news affects your future.

The Easy Blueprint for Finding Your Most Profitable Consumer on Facebook | DISRUPTu! 053

**Disclaimer*** This is the real process we use and have proven with hundreds of funeral homes. In episode 51, I showed you how to classify what a true Facebook lead looks like (https://youtu.be/Ncik3jSZwl0). Now, I breakdown the EXACT BLUEPRINT for finding that lead (targeted consumer), how to use content in the middle part of the funnel to work the user into the lower third of the funnel and then how to use Facebook ads to make the transaction (lead) happen.

About Ryan Thogmartin:

Ryan Thogmartin is a death care entrepreneur and the CEO of DISRUPT Media and creator of ConnectingDirectors.com. | Follower of Christ | Husband | Father | Entrepreneur | Host of #DISRUPTu! and #FUNERALnationtv | Lover of Skittles

About DISRUPT Media:

Most deathcare companies struggle with Facebook marketing. We provide a process for creating personalized Facebook content that will drive community engagement and measurable leads ensuring growth and profitability.

Schedule a demo: http://www.disruptmedia.co