Are you ready for more calls? Of course! $8.99 Goldfish could be the ticket to “More Call Bliss!” Besides more calls Ryan tackles influencer marketing, explains what it is and how it CAN WORK for your funeral home. Also, does my community engagement and exposure really matter and…. How do I tell my community that our funeral home serves all ethnicities and religions? You will be surprised at Ryan’s response!
About Ryan Thogmartin
Ryan Thogmartin is a death care entrepreneur and the CEO of DISRUPT Media and creator of ConnectingDirectors.com. | Follower of Christ | Husband | Father | Entrepreneur | Host of #DISRUPTu! and #FUNERALnationtv | Lover of Skittles
About DISRUPT Media
Most deathcare companies struggle with Facebook marketing. We provide a process for creating personalized Facebook content that will drive community engagement and measurable leads ensuring growth and profitability.