What Do Sex, Blowing Things Up, and the Funeral Profession Have In Common?

Customer Service Funeral Industry News March 11, 2015
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched; DeathCareJobs.com, PriceMyFuneral.com and Funeral Nation TV.

What Do Sex, Blowing Things Up, and the Funeral Profession Have In Common?

In the video below I interview ICCFA keynote speaker, Cindy Gallop. In this video she offers a whole new perspective to the way you will think about your funeral business model.

We wanted to interview Cindy because she is an unconventional speaker and one that you wouldn’t think would speak at a funeral convention. After watching this interview I guarantee you will be thinking about your business in a way you never have before and you will suddenly see a wild similarity between great sex, blowing things up and running a profitable funeral business.

In Cindy Gallop’s Twitter profile, she states “I like to blow sh*t up. I am the Michael Bay of business.” And that’s exactly what she’s done over the past few decades–blown away the competition for her clients such as Coca-Cola, Unilever and Levi’s–while also blowing up the traditional operations structure to maximize efficiency and innovation. Now she wants to ‘blow up’ the way funeral professionals do business!