A Self-Help Book For People Who Share Life With A Funeral Director
Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director:
Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships & Inspiration to Transform Your Life
REEDSBURG, WI – Katy Prange, founder of Life With A Funeral Director, today announced the release of Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director: Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships & Inspiration to Transform Your Life.
Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director presents strategies to strengthen relationships between funeral directors and their spouses, family and friends. It also offers inspiration for people who live life with a funeral director to love the life they’ve chosen together.
“We know the divorce and angry-marriage rates are high in our industry,” Prange said. “This book is an attempt to change that.”
Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director is a compilation of ideas, concepts and observations divided into sections to meet unique needs:
- Readers will be reminded of the good things about life in the “Pretty Sweet Perks” section.
- For the fiancé, a newlywed or someone dating someone in the industry, “Things You Should Consider” gives the reader specific concerns, concepts and questions to discuss as they take the leap.
- For everyone, there are 18 “Strategies For Your Best Life With A Funeral Director.
- There is even a section to help “Prepare Your Family and Friends” for life with a funeral director with suggestions for ways to manage some tough inter-personal conflicts common to the industry.
- Finally, a “How-To” section shares best practices for a funeral director’s worst laundry, re-arranging funeral flowers for home use and more.
“Sometimes we struggle to keep our relationships with family and friends strong and healthy because they just don’t get it,” Prange said. “I wrote Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director to inspire and support others to live their best life with their funeral director. My goal is to help strengthen our industry by strengthening the relationships that make our businesses possible. Families are at the core of what we do. While we serve others, we must serve each other.”
Lessons For Life With A Funeral Director: Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships & Inspiration to Transform Your Life is available in print and digital formats via Amazon for $9.99. Please visit http://www.amazon.com/Katy-Prange/e/B00PNQP3LW/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 or follow the link from www.lifewithafuneraldirector.com
ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Katy Prange is married to Michael, her funeral director, and lives in south central Wisconsin with their two girls. Katy launched www.lifewithafuneraldirector.com in 2011 to provide support, solace and community for other women and men who shared her life experience. Since 2011, Katy has written a regular blog for the community, hosted a forum on Facebook and worked one-on-one with others who share life with a funeral director.
Beyond the community, Katy is the founder of Blue Sky Virtual Assistance, LLC which provides strategic project planning and support for small businesses. She is also a Legislative Aide to a State Senator and an incessant writer. When she’s not writing in her treehouse office or working on a myriad of projects, Katy is cooking, reading or outside somewhere, likely by a lake with her family.
For more information or to connect with Prange directly, please visit www.lifewithafuneraldirector.com, email katyprange@gmail.com or call 920-889-1252.