ETERNI.ME Wants To Help You Become Virtually Immortal
A team of engineers, designers and business people, part of the MIT Entrepreneurship Development Program, are looking to solve an incredibly challenging problem of humanity.
The moments and emotions in our lifetime define how we are seen by our family and friends. All these slowly fade away after we die —until one day… we are all forgottten.
Their website asks these few questions:
What if your children or grand children would know more about you and your life? What if they would be more like you, think more like you?
What if all the important events, adventures and thoughts in your life would be accessible to future generations, who never met the real you?
And what if, more than that, they could really interact with your memories, as if they were talking to you in person? collects almost everything that you create during your lifetime, and processes this huge amount of information using complex Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
Then it generates a virtual YOU, an avatar that emulates your personality and can interact with, and offer information and advice to your family and friends after you pass away.
It’s like a Skype chat from the past.