50 Things You Won’t Say On Your Death Bed
What would you add to this list?
- I didn’t spend long enough on Twitter
- I took way too many risks
- Thank God I always ignored my gut instinct
- I’m stoked I got up at 4.00am to snag that iPod 2
- I wished I’d spent longer at work
- I’m so glad I hung on to all these grudges
- I’m delighted I put off attending to my bucket list
- I knew that lump wasn’t worth getting checked out
- I spent too much time with the kids
- The decision to buy a new pair of boots rather than hire a Life Coach was the best I ever made
- Why didn’t I buy more stuff?
- My death should seriously up my subscriber count on Facebook. Woo-hoo baby!
- I’m so lucky I always resisted the urge to do something meaningful and fulfilling with my life
- The 15th day of the Casey Anthony trial was my favorite
- I’m glad I got offended by the guy that made a fart joke on Twitter
- I’m grateful my inbox is almost empty
- Does my ass look big in this bed?
- I didn’t witness anything like enough death and destruction via the media
- I taught my parents a valuable lesson when I stopped talking to them for 5 years
- My life would have been an absolutely travesty without Facebook
- Why did I waste so much time doing voluntary work?
- My greatest disappointment is missing the occasional episode of TMZ
- Can you please turn the TV on I want to catch some local news?
- I had way too much fun
- I didn’t make enough snap judgments about people
- Never leaving the country of my birth was a wonderful decision
- I’m relieved I put off enjoying life until I retired last year
- I’m proud of all those late night e-mails I sent out to co-workers proving I was still working
- That cosmetic surgery was the best thing I ever did
- How much money is in my bank account?
- I’d rather be alone if you don’t mind
- Publishing that book I spent 5 years writing would have been a waste of time anyway
- I’ll e-mail you from the other side
- I’m glad I bought that $47 ebook on minimalism and got the $970 worth of free stuff with it.
- I’m just relieved I know what Charlie Sheen is up to
- What a waste of money all those vacations were!
- Why didn’t I send more e-mails complaining about stuff?
- It sucks that it’s raining
- What’s happening with the economy?
- If I hadn’t cleaned the handle of supermarket trolleys I’d have been dead years ago
- Oh shit, I think I have a spot on my chin
- I’m glad we don’t have social medicine and my partner will have to spend the next 10 years working to pay off my medical bills
- Constantly settling for second best was awesome
- I’m thankful I never let people see the real amazing and brilliant me
- I’m going to miss having a good old gossip
- I feel better knowing that I always refused to back down, even on the occasions when I knew I was wrong
- I’m not keen on those drapes
- Those sleepless nights worrying about shit that never happened were emotional energy well spent
- Can somebody hit the reset button please?
- This one is down to you, what do you know you will never say on your death bed?
[Via: ADaringadventure.com]