This Funeral Home is Killing it on Facebook Live

Funeral Home Marketing Funeral Industry News Social Media January 18, 2017
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched;, and Funeral Nation TV.

This Funeral Home is Killing it on Facebook Live

Disclaimer: Lumberton Family Funeral Home is a social media client of DISRUPT Media, parent company to

Facebook has fully inserted itself into the world of live streaming as yesterday it passed Youtube as the most popular live stream platform. Facebook’s massive global reach brings the technology to a bigger audience than ever and this is a game changer for funeral homes.

Until now, live video has really been dominated by big media companies and celebrities – but with Facebook Live it is now easier than ever for funeral directors and funeral homes to begin live streaming to your audience.

Below are a few examples of how Lumberton Family Funeral Home is Lumberton. TX has embraced Facebook Live to connect on a more transparent and engaging level with their community. Just check the views on each livestream (they average over 2,000 views).

We have also included below 6 tips for funeral homes using Facebook Live.

Here is an easy to follow step-by-step guide to go Live:

1. Tell people ahead of time when you’re going to broadcast

Build anticipation by letting people know when you’ll be broadcasting live.

2. Go live when you have a strong connection

Check to make sure that you have a strong signal before going live. WiFi tends to work best, but if you can’t find a nearby network, you’ll want a 4G connection. If you have weak signal, the ‘Go Live’ button will be grayed out.

3. Write a compelling description before going live

A great description will capture fans’ attention and help them understand what your broadcast is about.

4. Ask your viewers to follow you and receive notifications when you go live

Call out that your audience can tap on the Follow button on live videos and videos that were live and then opt-in to get notifications the next time you go live.

5. Say hello to commenters by name and to respond to their comments

Your audience will be thrilled to hear you mention their name and answer their questions when you are live.

6. Broadcast for longer periods of time to reach more people

The longer you broadcast, the more likely people are to discover and invite their friends on Facebook to watch the video. We recommend that you go live for at least 10 minutes, and you can stay live for up to 90 minutes.

The above strategy will go a long way in winning people to your brand. But, while you may agree that this method makes good sense, you may be concerned that you have neither the time nor the resources to manage your Facebook page the correct way. If this is true for you, you can turn to the experts at DISRUPT Media. Our exclusive four part FUNERAL Social Design Process includes constant real-time administration of your page. We monitor all activity, and we respond quickly. You can be assured that your brand reputation is maintained through our active management of your Facebook presence. Go to to find out more about the services we offer.

About Author

Ryan Thogmartin is a death care entrepreneur and the CEO of DISRUPT Media and creator of | Follower of Christ | Husband | Father | Entrepreneur | Host of #DISRUPTu! and #FUNERALnationtv | Lover of Skittles

DISRUPT Media is a social media first marketing company that focuses on social storytelling for funeral companies. DISRUPT uses insights gained through analytics to build creative campaigns that achieve actual business goals.