7 Simple Steps To Reaching The Most Fans [White Paper]

Funeral Home Marketing Funeral Industry News Social Media May 19, 2015
Ryan Thogmartin

Ryan Thogmartin is the Founder and CEO of DISRUPT Media, a Funeral Home Marketing Company specializing in social media. Ryan is also a deathcare entrepreneur who has launched; DeathCareJobs.com, PriceMyFuneral.com and Funeral Nation TV.

7 Simple Steps To Reaching The Most Fans [White Paper]

You may be asking yourself, what is Facebook Reach? Let us answer that for you: Reach: The number of unique people who saw any content about that post. This will include both fans and non-fans. On average, only 1-6% of your total Facebook audience is actually seeing the content that you are posting.

For example, your page has 1,000 Likes. Of those 1K Likes, (at best) a mere 60 users are seeing that content. YIKES! Why so little? There has been a decline in the overall Organic Reach on Facebook. Let’s take a look at the factors weighing in on this decline in reach:

  • More Competition
  • Each time a user goes to their News Feed, anywhere from 1,500-15,000 potential stories are shared
  • Facebook has over 100K Algorithms in place to weigh the content that is viewed in the News Feed
  • Limited Attention: Users have to be engaged. The content you post must grab their attention

Okay, so the overall Organic Reach on Facebook is declining. That doesn’t mean we are all doomed. We have a few simple tips on how you can increase your reach and stay ahead of the game.

Click Here to download our FREE white paper: 7 Simple Steps To Reaching The Most Fans