The Day the Pallbearers Dropped the Casket [Caleb Wilde]
Article from Caleb Wilde, The worst thing that every happened at one of our funerals, happened a little over three years ago, during a combination snow and...
Article from Caleb Wilde, The worst thing that every happened at one of our funerals, happened a little over three years ago, during a combination snow and...
It's every claustrophobe's biggest fear - being buried alive. But have you ever wondered how long you'd survive if you were buried alive? Like Us on Facebook | Follow Us on...
Death care is making its way into many reality shows - Friday was the premiere of 'Time of Death' on Showtime and who can forget 'Best Funeral Ever'...
A look at how this week’s Bloomberg Businessweek cover got made. The cover article for this issue is titled Death, Inc - An inside look are America's fastest-growing merchant of...
30 Things Only Hypochondriacs Will Understand (more…)
Most consumers are able to see humor with certain things regarding death (no, not death itself so chill out). Here are a few examples from the popular video...
You may have heard the expression "famous last words." Some people have carried those last words all the way to their gravestones. (more…)