Hundreds Attend Funeral Of WWII Veteran They Didn’t Know
Whether you know it as Veterans Day here in the U.S. or as Remembrance Day in Commonwealth countries, we think you'll agree that something remarkable happened on this Nov. 11 in England....
Whether you know it as Veterans Day here in the U.S. or as Remembrance Day in Commonwealth countries, we think you'll agree that something remarkable happened on this Nov. 11 in England....
Koch Funeral Home in State College, Pennsylvania is not only celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2013, Owner & President, Glenn Fleming is the winner of the “Extreme Funeral...
We first brought you 'Instagram Funeral Attire' a few months ago. Now someone else has taken it a step further with 'Selfies At A Funeral' and its epic....
Yesterday was the birthday of our friend and guest blogger Caleb Wilde. In honor of his birthday many people were sending him images of 'death cakes' - cakes...
It's been almost a year since we last talked about Genesis Casket Company. In fact I was surprised to see them at NFDA. (more…)
For the first time, Seasons Hospice Foundation, a private nonprofit service organization founded by Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, will have a presence at the 2013 NFDA International...
Article by Sarah Rickerd, Frazer Consultants October 1st marked the beginning of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month – a designation formalized in October 1988 by President Ronald...
Originally posted on (The gender pronouns are slightly outdated in this poem, but it’s easy enough to substitute she for he.) Written by Darlene Rush This is...
Dear Sons: You are now 28 and 32, respectively, and have been out, and for the most part, on your own for the better part of a decade....
Should children attend a funeral? is one of the most discussed questions among funeral directors and families. There are guide books with suggestions on how to present death...