Cover Your A$$ – The Ultimate Guide to Safeguarding Your Business Before it Needs Saved
Cover Your A$$ by author and lawyer Poul Lemasters is teaching businesses how to take proactive measures to protect their business from damage and liability, build a proactive culture, and know the fundamental “asses” that make or break a business.
Cover Your A$$. Yes, you read that correctly. While this book may not be the sophisticated manual of the elites, Poul understands that protecting your business from liability is not only a rich person’s game. Nor is it a matter for the feint of heart, it requires getting your hands dirty and knowing how to keep you and the people you employ safe. CYA is the essential guide to learning how to ensure your business is protected at every angle, and in every stage of business.

Author Poul Lemasters is a “master ass-coverer” and has been working in the deathcare industry for over 30 years. He built his own deathcare consulting firm, and as a deathcare consultant, has had to routinely make decisions that could cost him or his clients millions of dollars. Poul worked with clients while they were in their most vulnerable and volatile states, he knows what it means to protect a business.
Now, he is sharing his decades of CYA wisdom through his new book: Cover Your A$$: the Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Business.
Poul shares his wisdom through episodes of his time in deathcare, and the core of his message comes in the form of his original “A-List”. Yes, the A-List means “ass list”. Poul explains that every business is composed of eight types of workers, and you can only protect your business and make wise, proactive decisions when you “know the asses”.
The CYA A-List is comprised of: The Lazy Ass, The Smart Ass, The Dumb Ass, The Old Ass, The Bad Ass, The Half Ass, The Kiss Ass, and The Wise Ass.

Each “ass” in the A-List categorizes workers based on their mindset and approach to business situations. Through these episodes and categories of employees he identifies all the mistakes business owners make. He then offers tangible solutions that the reader can immediately implement in their business practice.
Through his donkey archetypes, Poul illuminates the importance of topics such as hiring and firing, embracing new technology, reviews and evaluations, process documentation, ethics, and more – everything you and your business need to cover your ass and build a CYA culture. Does Cover Your A$$ sound sophisticated now?

Poul forces the reader to look at themselves and consider what kind of “ass” they are – and what kind of “ass” their employees are as well. Through this process of introspection, he enables the reader to identify the specific measures they need for their particular business, whether that be letting an employee go, creating a documenting process, or embracing a new particular piece of technology.
Every solution in Cover Your A$$ is predicated on being proactive. It is sustainable, repeatable, and easily implemented when you know the “how” and “why”. Reactivity is what leads to lawsuits and an ass burn, but Poul and Cover Your A$$ are here to ensure your rump is covered and the fire is put out before it begins.
Now, you might be wondering, “Why donkeys?” Well, Poul Lemasters believes business should be fun, not tied up in stressful lawsuits and man management. The goal of Cover Your A$$ is to empower you to eliminate the stress of worrying about your business through sound procedure and strategy, so you can focus instead on the joy of being a business owner.
As Poul puts it, “As you can see, I try not to take myself too seriously. There’s no fun in that. Although, the fact that I consider myself a professional ass-coverer should have already clued you in to that.”
Poul Lemasters is also available for speaking engagements. Cover Your A$$ is built on the presentations he gives to businesses and associations across the country. His guidance has helped dozens of businesses and associations – from large to small – implement proactive measures and fill in legal gaps they didn’t know they were missing.
So, whether you are looking to safeguard your business before you entrepreneur your way to success, or you have a business floundering with burns, Poul and Cover Your A$$ is here to put a blanket on the fire.

Be a smart donkey and get your copy of Cover Your A$$ at If you have a company needing a dose of CYA wisdom, you can schedule Poul for a speaking event on his site.
P.S. All speaking engagements come with a limited edition version of Cover Your A$$ for the attendees – included in the price!