Cremation Rocks Awards Call for Nominees

Funeral Industry News November 16, 2021
2021 Cremation Rocks Awards
Aries Jo

Aries (they/them) is a certified Celebrant and the Director of Outreach and Education at Parting Stone where they create forward-thinking content for funeral professionals. Aries leads the Death Curious online community and hosts the Death Curious podcast. Learn more about Parting Stone and their complete alternative to cremated remains here.

Cremation Rocks Awards Call for Nominees

Announcing: The first annual Cremation Rocks Awards recognizing forward-thinking innovators in the deathcare profession!

Over the past two years, the deathcare space has seen more growth and technological development than ever before. While the pandemic did play its part in moving deathcare forward technologically, the deathcare space has also seen growing disruption in more expansive areas. Passare has developed software that pulls information directly from health records, Recompose has brought body composting to the general public, and Parting Stone has created a new form of human remains, just to name a few innovators in today’s deathcare landscape. 

The goal of the Cremation Rocks Awards is to recognize today’s deathcare innovators, creators, and thought-leaders, and to encourage curiosity and openness to new ideas in the future of cremation services. 

Award categories will include Eco-Consciousness, Social Justice and Equity, Marketing, Education, Branding, Experience Building, Research, and “Deathcare Rock Star of the Year”

We believe that these categories encompass eight keys to a successful future in the deathcare profession. Each area will be essential in revolutionizing the future of deathcare in America and moving this professional space forward. 

The Cremation Rocks Awards: 

The Eco-Consciousness Award is for a person or company that has an eco-conscious mission and has shown an outstanding initiative in educating families on green options in deathcare. 

The Social Justice and Equity Award is for a person or company that has made progressive strides towards making deathcare an equitable space for all humans. 

The Best Marketing Award will go to a company that has created the most effective marketing campaign in the deathcare sector, including multimedia, social media, and other marketing initiatives. 

The Best Branding Award is for the company with the strongest design elements which communicate clearly and are helping shift public opinion about deathcare. 

The Experience Creation Award will go to a person or business who is leading the way in creating immersive, meaningful experiences for families. 

The Research Award will go to the individual or institution that has uncovered the most groundbreaking discovery in the deathcare sector in the past year. 

The Education Award is for an outstanding educator who is shaping the future of deathcare by sharing forward-thinking, important information. 

The Deathcare Rock Star of the Year Award is for an individual deathcare professional who is a disruptor and innovator that is pushing the deathcare space forward by serving families’ needs with new ideas, strategies, and initiatives. 

Nominate Deathcare Rock Stars Today!

We are currently seeking nominations for the Deathcare Rock Star of the Year, and the other Cremation Rocks award categories, from the deathcare space at large. 

To nominate a death care professional who has made an important, forward-thinking, innovative impact on the profession in the past year, please click the link below and fill out the survey. 

To nominate a funeral business or individual for one of our other award categories, please click the link below and fill out the survey: 

All award winners will be selected by a panel of distinguished judges including Larry Stuart Jr.- Cremation Strategies & Consulting, Barbara Kemmis-Executive Director of CANA, Sandra Walker-Vice President of Strategic Business at Fairmount Memorial Association and Past President of Washington Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association, and Justin Crowe- Founder and CEO of Parting Stone. 

The deadline to submit nominations is December 1st, 2021. 

Awards will be announced in the first week of January 2022.