Leverage Rude Smartphone Use to Your Advantage

Funeral Industry News Social Media December 13, 2017

We believe that every funeral director should have the tools to succeed. With the help of our field-leading partners, we publish daily funeral industry news and provide free tools to help our readers advance their careers and grow their businesses. Our editorial focus on the future, covering impact-conscious funeral care, trends, tech, marketing, and exploring how today's funeral news affects your future.

Leverage Rude Smartphone Use to Your Advantage

It’s obvious. It’s everywhere. And, yes, it’s sometimes rude. People who own Smartphones constantly pull them out of their pockets to send text messages, check email, read the news, and catch up with their family and friends on social media…even ignoring the family and friends who are there in front of them (I am totally guilty of this). In places where strangers are sitting and waiting, like doctors’ offices and airport terminals, the Smartphone viewing reflex prevails where traditional reading materials like newspapers, books, and magazines once reigned as the media of choice.

Times have changed, and we could waste a lot of time wishing for the simpler and more people friendly days of the past. Or, as business owners, we could work to take advantage of the situation.

Think about these facts:

As you review this information, and you think about your marketing plans for 2018, doesn’t it make sense to capitalize on the Smartphone/Facebook phenomenon? Are you putting way too much money into last century’s methods? Let’s put it in black and white terms: what old-school marketing platform (newspapers, Yellow Pages, billboards, radio or television ads) can compare to a Smartphone in regard to the level of ownership, the portability, and visibility, and the frequency of use? Nothing else comes close. Nothing!

Most funeral business owners are not utilizing 21st-century marketing platforms effectively. A very small percentage of funeral homes can point to a Facebook page that is effectively increasing their exposure, positively promoting their brand, and generating productive leads. By capitalizing on the Smartphone habits of most Americans, you can increase your bottom line and get out in front of your slow-to-adapt competitors.

Make sure the Smartphone toting, Facebook reading public is seeing your content appear on their screens multiple times a week, even if they are ignoring everyone and everything around them! Let us show you how.

Want more clever funeral home marketing strategies? View our list of 18 brilliant ideas here!

About Ryan Thogmartin:

Ryan Thogmartin is a death care entrepreneur and the CEO of DISRUPT Media and creator of ConnectingDirectors.com. | Follower of Christ | Husband | Father | Entrepreneur | Host of #DISRUPTu! and #FUNERALnationtv | Lover of Skittles

About DISRUPT Media:

Most deathcare companies struggle with Facebook marketing. We provide a process for creating personalized Facebook content that will drive community engagement and measurable leads ensuring growth and profitability.

Schedule a demo: http://www.disruptmedia.co/demo/