Did You Know The Department of Veterans Affairs Has An Allowance For Qualifying Interments?
The Veterans Administration, as a rule, nationwide, does not provide vaults for veterans burials. Rather, at no cost, it offers liners, sometimes called a concrete box.
But the Department of Veterans Affairs does have an allowance of $289.00 for qualifying interments occurring during the calendar year of 2013.
The above image was sent to us from Wilbert Funeral Services in response to the articles we have posted regarding the concerns about the way veteran families are treated at cemeteries. Many families are not being educated on the difference between a crypt/grave liner and a burial vault, which by definition, is a lined and sealed unit.
Updated on February 8th, 2013 – Here is more information on burial allowances offered by the Veterans Affairs:
Do families know this allowance is available and can be used to aid in purchasing a burial vault? Will it cover the entire burial purchase? No, but it might be what is needed to allow them to purchase a burial vault instead of opting for the free grave liner.
Did you know this allowance was available?