I’m glad the son of a b**** is dead!

Funeral Industry News November 20, 2012
Caleb Wilde

I'm a sixth generation funeral director. I have a grad degree in Missional Theology. And I like to read and write. Connect with my writing and book plans by "liking" me on facebook. And keep tabs with my blog via subscription or twitter.

I’m glad the son of a b**** is dead!

I don’t know where he finds these articles but I am sure glad he does. They always give me a great laugh right when I need it!

The following article was published yesterday by Caleb Wilde on his blog CalebWilde.com.

Worth the Extra $4,850

A couple years ago an older lady’s husband died.  When she showed up to the funeral home to make arrangements, we attempted to comfort the elder lady, when – surprisingly – she refused the comfort hug, and said with assertion, “I’m glad the son of a b**** is dead.”

Well, it looks like the couple in this joke had the same type of marriage.