Weigel Strategic Marketing Announces Press Kit Packages

Funeral Industry Press Releases November 5, 2013

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Weigel Strategic Marketing Announces Press Kit Packages

Firm Launches Bundled Publicity Kits That Deliver Key Elements Funeral Homes (And Funeral Service Suppliers) Need To Effectively Promote

Weigel Strategic Marketing, a leading communications company specializing in the funeral profession, has introduced simplified press kit packages designed to give funeral homes and funeral service suppliers a cost-effective tool for use in their promotional efforts.  These packages consist of several publicity tools – including press releases, pitch letters, profile sheets and backgrounder pages – and start at $750.

“These are ideal packages for those in funeral service to begin a media outreach program or be proactively prepared for a call from a reporter,” said Joe Weigel of Weigel Strategic Marketing.  “It’s important to be ready to provide facts and other information to the media quickly and effectively when contact is first made.  Having a completed press kit ready to quickly forward to a reporter reflects positively on the professionalism that is found at the company and starts to build a relationship with the media.”

What is a Press Kit and What’s in a Press Kit?
A press kit is simply an information packet about a business.  A press (or media) kit is like a resume for a funeral company.  It is a collection of relevant information and articles put together to address requests from the media as well as to provide information proactively in hopes of an interview or a story placement.  Many times this information is also posted on the company website to make it readily available, not only to reporters, but to families as well.

A press kit can be comprised of many publicity tools, depending on the situation, the audience or the use. Although a press kit should be comprehensive, every promotional item or piece of marketing collateral ever produced should not be included. Only information that is current and most relevant should be incorporated into the kit.

Weigel Strategic Marketing has released three packages with program price points from $750 to $2000.  If necessary, custom packages can also be created based on the specific need and situation of the firm.  Once completed, components of the press kits can be printed and assembled in a folder for future use as well as posted electronically on the company’s website.

Basic – includes one press (or news) release, one executive profile sheet and one background information page.  Package cost is $750.

Premier– includes one press release, one executive profile sheet, one background information page, one area of expertise sheet and one pitch letter.  Package cost is $1250.

Premium Package – includes two press releases, two key executive profiles, one backgrounder information page, pitch letter, question and answer sheet, and areas of expertise page.  Package cost is $2000.

“A media outreach program can be an important tool to building and enhancing the brand image of a funeral company,” stated Weigel.  “However, preparing a press kit can be a time consuming process, particularly if the company only has a handful of employees.  These packages are a great way for funeral homes and funeral service suppliers to create a professional press kit without breaking the bank.”

Founded in 2012 in Indianapolis, Weigel Strategic Marketing is a communications firm delivering expertise and results across three interrelated marketing disciplines: strategy, branding and communications.  To learn more, visit their website at http://weigelstrategicmarketing.webs.com, call (317) 260-8515 or email the company at joseph.weigel@gmail.com