New Funeral Industry Product Review – The "Legacy Book"

Funeral Industry News August 1, 2011

We believe that every funeral director should have the tools to succeed. With the help of our field-leading partners, we publish daily funeral industry news and provide free tools to help our readers advance their careers and grow their businesses. Our editorial focus on the future, covering impact-conscious funeral care, trends, tech, marketing, and exploring how today's funeral news affects your future.

New Funeral Industry Product Review – The "Legacy Book"

Wow, it has been a long time since our last product review or last video for that matter. We have been rocking in the office doing some many different things like; planning for NFDA, planning new strategies for and CDsocial, and even partnering with a social media marketing agency! Yes, we have been busy!!

I wanted to take a few minutes and record a product review for a new company breaking into the funeral supplier scene. The company is Greeting Express, and they have developed the “Legacy Book”, a hardbound professionally printed photo album that is dedicated to honoring the life of the deceased. 

No this product does not sound like a revolutionary product, but I was very impressed with the quality of the product and do see where it could provide a very easy resale profit for the funeral home. 

Please watch the video review I created below. After you see the review please provide us with your feedback!

For a video demo of the photo software used to create the “Legacy Book” please visit:

For more information on the “Legacy Book” you can contact Anthony DeMarco – or call 919-695-4000.

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